Zasavje Regional Development Centre Ltd



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Regionalni center za razvoj Zasavje (RCR Zasavje)
Phone386 (0) 3 566 0500

Zasavje Regional Development Centre is a non-profit, non-governmental business organisation registered as a limited liability company with the principal aim of developing the Zasavje region. The Centre was founded in 1996 by Municipalities, regional Chambers of Crafts, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and other local development institutions. However, regional development here actually began back in 1995 when the Zasavje region started to participate in the TEMPUS PHARE CBC programme Technical Assistance in Regional Development. In November 1995 the Mayors of the Municipalities of Litija, Hrastnik, Radeče, Trbovlje and Zagorje ob Savi signed a Memorandum on Regional Co-operation in Development Activities in Zasavje.

Mission and activities

Since that time the Centre has prepared some crucial regional development documents, above all the development strategy Zasavje 2000+ and the Regional Development Plan for the period of 2001–2006. It has initiated several development mechanisms aimed at the promotion of human resources, economy and environment and established good relations with similar development institutions all over Europe. Its goal is to be one of the crucial co-creators of an open and modern region. The Centre deals primarily with issues related to human resources, economy, environment and spatial planning, which in this region is related mostly to coal mining and energy resources. In the year 2001 RDC prepared the Zasavje-Ireland Meeting and Business Conference, which resulted in the signed Agreement on further economic and cultural co-operation between the Zasavje region and two Irish regions - Shannon and the Moy Valley.

RDC Zasavje has well-established connections with numerous development institutions from the countries of southeastern Europe (eg it signed an agreement pledging further co-operation with Croatian region of Istria). The Centre also foresees opportunities in the organisation of international business conferences. Due to its geographical position and good relations with many countries, it could play an important role as a bridge connecting current and future EU members.

Regional centre for development has its own art collection and presents artworks from different authors which includes numerous artworks of the well known Slovenian academic painter Nikolaj Beer and a statue named Sejalec (Sower) that was created by the Slovenian academic sculptor Irena Brunec and is exhibited in front of their building. They are also owners of many paintings that were made in the oldest art colony Izlake-Zagorje.

See also

External links

Regionalni center za razvoj Zasavje (RCR Zasavje) +
Regionalni center za razvoj Zasavje (RCR Zasavje) +
SI-1410 Zagorje ob Savi +
Podvine 36 +
Zasavje Regional Development Centre is a non-profit, non-governmental business organisation registered as a limited liability company with the principal aim of developing the Zasavje region. +
Zasavje Regional Development Centre is a non-profit, non-governmental business organisation registered as a limited liability company with the principal aim of developing the Zasavje region. +
+386 / 3 566 0500 +
Zagorje ob Savi +
SI-1410 +
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