In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival


Festival In Memoriam prof. Peter Hafner
Mestni trg 20, SI-4220 Škofja Loka
Festival dates19.7.2024 - 27.7.2024

The In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival was first organised under this name in 2009, as a successor of sorts to the "Alter-Fest" that first appeared in 2005 at the Rdeča ostriga Club. In the beginning, Alter-Fest took place for only one evening and its line-up more or less consisted of punk bands. In the years to come, the festival widened its musical scope, forming a more varied and well-recognised programme. This development was partly due to the guidance of and help from Peter Hafner, a local music enthusiast, DJ, cultural activist, and mathematics professor, who unfortunately passed away in 2009. Thus, Alter-Fest got a new name.

After its initial punk orientation featuring bands such as Center za dehumanizacijo (CZD), the festival has gone for a more varied selection of musical orientations, from electronics to hip hop, bringing to stage some of the best alternative Slovenian acts and also a number of popular bands from abroad.

Of the local acts, one can mention Dubzilla, Moveknowledgement, Demolition Group, Koala Voice, We Can't Sleep at Night, Coma Stereo, Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape, New Wave Syria, Bakalina, N'Toko, Marko Brecelj, and Ewok. Of the more memorable foreign acts, there are Rambo Amadeus, Damir Avdić, Punčke, Repetitor, Bad Copy, Erotic Biljan & His Heretics, and Vlasta Popić.

See also

External links


Festival In Memoriam prof. Peter Hafner +
19.10.2012 - 20.10.2012, 27.9.2013 - - 20.10.2012, 27.9.2013 - 4.10.2013, 19.9.2014 - 26.9.2014, 25.9.2015 - 2.10.2015, 5.5.2016 - 13.5.2016, 4.5.2017 - 12.5.2017, 2.5.2018 - 11.5.2018, 8.7.2019 - 14.7.2019, 14.10.2020 - 18.10.2020, 24.7.2021 - 1.8.2021, 15.7.2022 - 23.7.2022, 27.7.2023 - 4.8.2023, 19.7.2024 - 27.7.20247.7.2023 - 4.8.2023, 19.7.2024 - 27.7.2024 +
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annual +
Festival In Memoriam prof. Peter Hafner +
SI-4220 Škofja Loka +
Mestni trg 20 +
The In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival was first organised under this name in 2009, as a successor of sorts to the "Alter-Fest" that first appeared in 2005 at the Rdeča ostriga Club. +
The In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival was first organised under this name in 2009, as a successor of sorts to the "Alter-Fest" that first appeared in 2005 at the Rdeča ostriga Club. +
Škofja Loka +
SI-4220 +
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