

Past events
  • 22 Jun 2019

    Croatia Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art


    A concert by Borghesia in the frame of Summer at MCA

  • 20 Nov 2015

    Croatia Split Club Kocka

    A concert by Borghesia at the Nema labavo Street Art Festival

Borghesia (Italian for bourgeoisie) is a legendary industrial and EBM (electronic body music) band, formed in Ljubljana in 1982. Along with Laibach, they were the most eminent representatives of the Slovene alternative scene of the 1980s, having created their own signature style of music that was strongly knit together with their multimedia performances and experiments.

The group's aesthetics – lyrics, visual performance, video production – used the imagery and themes of surveillance, prohibition, erotics, sexual taboos and repression. In this, they are akin to their contemporaries Chris & Cosey, Cabaret Voltaire, Art of Noise and Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Often using early sampling and cut-n-paste techniques, the typical sound of early Borghesia comprised symphonic synthesizers, funky bass lines, military drum beats and harsh, crisp sequenced rhythms in trance-like loops.

In 1994, the (ever-fluid) collective was disbanded and a decade later was reanimated by the original members, Dario Seraval and Aldo Ivančič.

The first dozen years of Borghesia

The band has its roots in the alternative theatre groups Theatre FV-112/15 and Teater Performans, and was founded upon the idea of merging the concepts of theatre and disco. Aldo Ivančič played the drums at that time (later, he focused more on samplers and synths) and was joined by a rock cast featuring Dario Seraval on the guitar. Of the other proto-members, the most prominent one was Iztok Turk, who later worked with scores of influential Slovene bands (from punk and new wave to Laibach) and who was also an important figure in the early techno scene.

The only consistent member of the band was Ivančič, who was joined by visual artists Neven Korda and Zemira Alajbegović and by a long list of notable musicians, who all left a significant mark on the Slovene music scene – Primož Simončič, Lado Jakša and Mirsad Šabić of Lolita, Borut Kržišnik, Bratko Bibič, Nikola Sekulović of Dan D and Demolition Group, Boris Romih from Begnagrad and Miladojke Youneed and the rapper and turntablist Ali En being just a few of them.

Borghesia released a number of albums, singles, remixes and VHS video tapes (some of them released by FV Music, a label founded by Borghesia members) and soon acquired international (though rather niche) fame. Four of their albums were published by the renowned Belgian label Play It Again Sam Records; the band went on several European tours and were praised by a number of important international music magazines. Some of their most relevant releases are Ljubav je hladnija od smrti, No Hope No Fear, Escorts and Models, Resistance and Dreamers in Colour, the latest being Against Capitulation (2018).

The band's resurrection

After they disbanded, Aldo Ivančić became a sought-after music producer and DJ, and also formed the music collective Bast. In 2009, together with Aldo and Dario, FV Music released the double CD, 20th Century – Selected Works, an anthology of Borghesia's songs and instrumentals.

After that, the duo reanimated Borghesia into an all-star rock band and recorded the album And Man Created God, published by the American label Metropolis. Although for the purposes of the early concerts expanded into a septet, Borghesia currently stands as a quintet of Seraval contributing vocals, Ivančič doing programming and drums, Irena Tomažin and Ivo Poderžaj on vocals, Jelena Rusjan on bass and vocals.

Recent performances

Since 2014, Borghesia has played at Bodyfest (SW), Wave-Gotik-Treffen Festival (DE), BIMFest (NL), Wrocław Industrial Festival (PL), Mocvara Club (HR), Klub Kocka (HR), Sajeta Creative Camp, Kamfest, Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Trainstation Squat and elsewhere.

See also

External links


... more about "Borghesia"
Borghesia +
Borghesia +
Borghesia (Italian for bourgeoisie) is a legendary industrial and EBM (electronic body music) band, formed in Ljubljana in 1982. +
Borghesia (Italian for bourgeoisie) is a legendary industrial and EBM (electronic body music) band, formed in Ljubljana in 1982. +