Prismojeni Profesorji Bluesa


Prismojeni Profesorji Bluesa

Phone386 (0) 40 747 448
Past events

Though they call themselves Prismojeni Profesorji Bluesa, which could be translated as the Wacky Blues Professors, this band actually plays a rather eclectic musical mixture. Though heavily immersed in blues, their music is also strongly informed by psychedelia, funk, experimental rock and even jazz. Yet, this is never done at the expanse of their trademark dance-inducing, rhythm-heavy rock'n'roll.

Established in 2009, the band consists of Zlatko Đogič (drums), Miha Ribarič (bass), Julijan Erič (guitar, vocals), and Miha Erič (harmonica, vocals).

Gigs and releases

The foremost characteristic of the Prismojeni Profesorji Bluesa is their incessant number of live gigs, which are always high energy and take place almost weekly. In the course of one week, it is possible to hear them in multiple clubs in the same city, and they can even pack all of these clubs. Some of the places where they regularly play (or just jam in various other formations) are Prulček bar and ZOO Club.

The band has also been invited to MENT Ljubljana, the Lent Festival, the Jazz Ravne series, the In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival, the Pisana Loka Festival, etc. Only after such an extensive stage history, they released their début album called Family in 2016, and presented it in the packed big hall of Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture.

See also

External links

Prismojeni Profesorji Bluesa +
Prismojeni Profesorji Bluesa +
Though they call themselves Prismojeni Profesorji Bluesa, which could be translated as the Wacky Blues Professors, this band actually plays a rather eclectic musical mixture. +
Though they call themselves Prismojeni Profesorji Bluesa, which could be translated as the Wacky Blues Professors, this band actually plays a rather eclectic musical mixture. +
+386 / 40 747 448 +
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