Rdeča ostriga Club

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Mladinski kulturni center Pri Rdeči Ostrigi
Partizanska cesta 1, SI-4220 Škofja Loka
Phone386 (0) 4 512 3021

Founded in 1995 by Škofja Loka Students' Club (Klub škofjeloških študentov, KŠŠ) and located in the town's old army barracks, Mladinski kulturni center (MKC) Red Oyster ('Youth Cultural Centre Red Oyster') presents an ongoing programme of music, theatre, DJ guest appearances, film and video, plus a bar which serves Red Oyster’s trademark Kloštergajster drink. Foreign bands have appeared at the venue since 1997, and in 1998 Red Oyster became recognised as one of the best and most active clubs in Slovenia. The club owns a hall with 80 seats. Red Oyster encourages new bands and organises a variety of cultural workshops. The club runs the OBC electronic music section and the Frnikula Theatre section.

Rdeca Ostriga Club 2016 All String Detached In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival Photo Matevz Cebasek.jpgAll Strings Detached performing at Rdeča ostriga Club, In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival, 2016.

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Mladinski kulturni center Pri Rdeči Ostrigi +
46.17 +
Mladinski kulturni center Pri Rdeči Ostrigi +
14.31 +
SI-4220 Škofja Loka +
Partizanska cesta 1 +
Founded in 1995 by Škofja Loka Students' CFounded in 1995 by Škofja Loka Students' Club (Klub škofjeloških študentov, KŠŠ) and located in the town's old army barracks, Mladinski kulturni center (MKC) Red Oyster ('Youth Cultural Centre Red Oyster') presents an ongoing programme of music, theatre, DJ guest appearances, film and video, plus a bar which serves Red Oyster’s trademark Kloštergajster drink.d Oyster’s trademark Kloštergajster drink. +
Founded in 1995 by Škofja Loka Students' CFounded in 1995 by Škofja Loka Students' Club (Klub škofjeloških študentov, KŠŠ) and located in the town's old army barracks, Mladinski kulturni center (MKC) Red Oyster ('Youth Cultural Centre Red Oyster') presents an ongoing programme of music, theatre, DJ guest appearances, film and video, plus a bar which serves Red Oyster’s trademark Kloštergajster drink.d Oyster’s trademark Kloštergajster drink. +
+386 / 4 512 3021 +
Škofja Loka +
SI-4220 +
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