Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape

From Culture.si

Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape

Phone386 (0) 41 398 029

Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape officially gathered together in 2005, but their musical history is much longer. It dates back to the late 1980s, when Uršula Ramoveš first started singing the poetry of Janez Ramoveš. The creative relationship lasted, and today their music still primarily evolves around his special, regional dialect moulded poetry, expressing it in a unique musical way, merging chanson, jazz, and traditional folklore modes of singing and playing.

Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape on Kamfest in 2011.


After her first solo performance in 1988, Uršula took her time to perfect her a capella singing and create her own special way of transposing poetry into sung words. In 1997, she met Joži Šalej, who started to occasionally join in her performances on piano and accordion and also on vocals. Somewhat later, bassist, and singer Metod Benko also joined, and in 2000 (in self-release) and 2003 (released by Sanje ('Dreams') Publishing House) her first two albums came out. Both were outstanding even in the otherwise rich field of Slovene ethno music and were highly praised by the critics.

Even while still nurturing her affinity for solo singing, a band starting forming around Ramoveš and, after a few permutations, encompassed her: Šalej, Benko, and the renowned drummer Marjan Stanić. They first appeared on an album that accompanied a new poetry collection by Jože Ramoveš, who had otherwise recorded and released a number of his poetry collections. The same year, Uršula Ramoveš's first album was re-released, and a year later, Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape published another album in their own right (both released by Sanje).

In 2010, they were joined by Robert Jukič, another notable Slovene jazz musician. At first intended just for a live performance on the radio show Izštekani [Un-plugged], he soon became a permanent member. Later, a short documentary about them was filmed and broadcast on [[Radio- Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)|national TV]]. As of 2013, they have graced the stages of Jazz Cerkno Festival, Days of Poetry and Wine Festival, Kamfest, Cankarjev Dom, and many other places, where their uncommon and yet rewarding music is always appreciated.

See also

External links

Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape +
Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape +
Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape officially gathered together in 2005, but their musical history is much longer. +
Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape officially gathered together in 2005, but their musical history is much longer. +
+386 / 41 398 029 +