Government Communication Office


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Urad vlade za komuniciranje
Gregorčičeva 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 478 2630
Past events

The Government Communication Office is the professional service of the Slovene government, responsible for ensuring that the information passing between the government, its representatives and the domestic and foreign public is authentic, up-to-date and complete.

Departments and service

Within the Office there is Government Communication Division, responsible for communication with the domestic and international media, with the Slovene and the foreign public, for organising and conducting ministerial communications campaigns relating to the most important programme projects of the Government, etc. The Division consists of two sections: Public Relations Section and State Promotion and Commnication Projects Section. The Government Communication Office also includes the General Affairs Service.


The Office provides general informative and promotional publications which present Slovenia. This material is mostly in English, although certain publications are produced in other languages as needed.

Since November 2004 the monthly magazine Sinfo (Slovenian Information) has brought news from Slovenia on politics, the environment, culture, business and sports, while a weekly e-newsletter Slovenia News brings short news, including also culture.

See also

External links


Urad vlade za komuniciranje +
Urad vlade za komuniciranje +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gregorčičeva 25 +
The Government Communication OfficeThe Government Communication Office is the professional service of the Slovene government, responsible for ensuring that the information passing between the government, its representatives and the domestic and foreign public is authentic, up-to-date and complete.lic is authentic, up-to-date and complete. +
The Government Communication Office is theThe Government Communication Office is the professional service of the Slovene government, responsible for ensuring that the information passing between the government, its representatives and the domestic and foreign public is authentic, up-to-date and complete.lic is authentic, up-to-date and complete. +
+386 / 1 478 2630 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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