Stična Festival


Festival Stična
Frequencyannual (2020 edition cancelled, next one due in 2021)
Festival dates22.11.2024 - 30.11.2024

The Stična Festival was established in 2000 as an annual autumn festival of evening musical, theatre, and visual arts events in Stična. The first idea was to organise events over four evenings but the festival was quickly extended to two weeks, and it currently takes place end of November.

The basic goals of the festival are to raise cultural consciousness, to build connections and cooperation among amateur and professional associations and individuals and also to help to support quality amateur productions.


Music concerts comprise the bulk of the festival, yet are augmented by a diverse selection of to gallery exhibitions, theatre performances, film screenings, and other cultural events. They concerts range from classical music to rock acts, with some of the Slovene musicians and bands being Vlado Kreslin, Anja Bukovec, Dan D, Elvis Jackson, Terrafolk, Orlek, and Katalena.

The programme mostly features Slovene artists, yet regularly also invites guests from abroad. For a time it ran an explicitly international line-up, annually choosing one country and focusing its programme on it.

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Festival Stična +
46,47,48 (2011) 47,48,49 (2013) 47,48,49 (2014) +
20.11.2015 - 5.12.2015, 18.11.2016 - 3.12.2016, 17.11.2017 - 2.12.2017, 24.11.2018 - 8.12.2018, 15.11.2019 - 7.12.2019, 19.11.2021 - 4.12.2021, 18.11.2022 - 3.12.2022, 3.10.2023 - 28.10.2023, 22.11.2024 - 30.11.2024 +
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annual (2020 edition cancelled, next one due in 2021) +
Festival Stična +
SI-1295 Ivančna Gorica +
Stična 11 +
The Stična Festival was established in 2000 as an annual autumn festival of evening musical, theatre, and visual arts events in Stična. +
The Stična Festival was established in 2000 as an annual autumn festival of evening musical, theatre, and visual arts events in Stična. +
Ivančna Gorica +
SI-1295 +
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