Ipavska Chamber Choir

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Komorni zbor 'Ipavska', Vipava
Vojana Reharja 4, SI-5271 Vipava
Phone386 (0) 41 766 369

The Ipavska Chamber Choir developed from the smaller Kras Chamber Choir in 1998. A group of around 30 singers, this award-winning choir continues the long tradition of choral singing in the upper Vipava Valley in the Goriška region, close to the Italian border. The conductor is Matjaž Šček.


The choir's repertoire ranges from Slovene folk music to sacral music, from Gallus's motets and madrigals to Brahms's waltzes and demanding contemporary choir pieces composed by Slovene composers (for example, Anton Lajovic and Aldo Kumar) as well as foreign ones. The choir has also worked with Lithuanian composer Vytautas Miškinis and with Slovene composer Štefan Mauri, whose Mass and some other musical works have been performed by the choir together with opera singers and instrumentalists. So far the choir has released three full-length CDs: Ipavska, Primorske ljudske and Kruh življenja.

International awards

The choir won the golden plaque at the Naša pesem Choir Competition in 1999 for the best début choir of the competition. In 2000 the choir was also chosen to take an active part in a choir seminar in South Tyrol, where they worked with conductor and music expert Gary Graden. In October 2001 the choir entered the Incanto sul Garda international choir competition in Riva del Garda, Italy, winning a gold medal as best choir in the Sacred Music category and also being declared the overall winner of the competition. Matjaž Šček, who has been the choir's conductor since 1996, was given a special award as best conductor of the competition. The choir has also performed at prestigious competitions and festivals in Spain (Tolosa), France (Tours), Bulgaria (Varna), and Italy (Seghizzi). In 2007 the choir attended International Choir Competition Zadar in Croatia where they won the first prize. In 2009 the choir won the first prize at the international competition within the 44th music festival the Days of Mokranjac in Negotin, Serbia. In 2010 they participated at the Neuchâtel International Choral Festival in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, where it was awarded second prize. The following year the choir won first prize and finalist award for the best performance of a composition by the Macedonian composer Zapro Zaprov - Alleluia at the Ohrid Choir Festival. At the 22nd Petr Ebn International Advent and Christmas Music Festival in Prague (2014) it received several prizes: 1st place in the category of large choirs, a special award for the performance of Peter Ebno's composition in the category of large choirs and 2nd place in the grand finale. In 2014 at the Grand Prix competition Arezzo, Italy the Ipavska Chamber Choir was ranked among the 5 best choirs in the Music of the 20th Century category. In 2017 they performed two concerts as part of the 14th International Festival of Choral Music "Nella città dei Gremi" in Sardinia, Italy.

See also

External links

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Komorni zbor 'Ipavska', Vipava +
Komorni zbor 'Ipavska', Vipava +
SI-5271 Vipava +
Vojana Reharja 4 +
The Ipavska Chamber Choir developed from the smaller Kras Chamber Choir in 1998. +
The Ipavska Chamber Choir developed from the smaller Kras Chamber Choir in 1998. +
+386 / 41 766 369 +
Vipava +
SI-5271 +
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