Jože Udovič Public Library, Cerknica



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Knjižnica Jožeta Udoviča, Cerknica
Partizanska cesta 22, SI-1380 Cerknica
Phone386 (0) 1 709 1078

Though the roots of librarianship in this region reach as far back as 1869, Jože Udovič Public Library in Cerknica was officially established in 1973. Taking its name after poet, translator and essayist Jože Udovič (1912–1986), the library functions as a central cultural institution in the region. Its operations cover two branches in Nova vas and Stari trg.

Housed in the main premises are a study and a newspaper reading room, which offer members Internet access, and a wide selection of newspaper and magazine titles respectively. Their media department comprises DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks, while the local collection department also maintains a number of rare prints, including E. Brown's A Brief Account of Some Travels in Divers Parts of Europe from 1685. Jože Udovič memorial room, encompassing over 3000 books, slides and journals he accumulated over the course of his life, may also be found in the library. Library-goers are welcome to take part in a number of events: storytelling hours, puppet shows, musical performances, literary evenings, lectures, exhibitions, and creative workshops.

See also

External links

Knjižnica Jožeta Udoviča, Cerknica +
45.796 +
Knjižnica Jožeta Udoviča, Cerknica +
14.362 +
SI-1380 Cerknica +
Partizanska cesta 22 +
Though the roots of librarianship in this region reach as far back as 1869, Jože Udovič Public Library in Cerknica was officially established in 1973. +
Though the roots of librarianship in this region reach as far back as 1869, Jože Udovič Public Library in Cerknica was officially established in 1973. +
+386 / 1 709 1078 +
Cerknica +
SI-1380 +
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