Art club & cafe Wetrinsky


Art club & cafe Wetrinsky
Vetrinjska ulica 30, SI-2000 Maribor

Opening its doors at the end of 2016, the Art club & cafe Wetrinsky is possibly the only club of its sort currently operating in Maribor. Stationed in the premises of the Vetrinjski dvor mansion and previously only sporadically used, the place became a fully-fledged bar and club under the auspices of the social enterprise called the PERON cooperative. This crew was also responsible for the Salon of Applied Arts.

Art club & cafe Wetrinsky 2017 The improvised stage at Wetrinsky Photo Borut Wenzel.jpgThe stage of Art club & cafe Wetrinsky is open to a varied set of musicians, from jazz and rock to hip hop acts, 2017


Open from Monday to Sunday, Wetrinsky runs a very varied programme of music (from alter rock to club electronica), talks, slam poetry and dancing.

To give a glimpse of the musical directions Wetrinsky pursues, one can name the beats producer & trombonist Žiga Murko, the pianist Bowrain, the rock titans Demolition Group, the hip hop MC N'Toko, the upcoming rockers Persons from Porlock, the experimental guitarist Domen Gnezda and the psychedelic, Belgrade-based art-rock collective Halftones; all of them are but a part of the artists invited during the first two months of the club.

Vetrinjski dvor 2017 Event at inner courtyard.JPGThe stage in front of Art club & cafe Wetrinsky is enclosed by the inner courtyard of the Vetrinj mansion, 2017

See also

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Art club & cafe Wetrinsky +
46.56 +
Art club & cafe Wetrinsky +
15.648 +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Vetrinjska ulica 30 +
Opening its doors at the end of 2016, the Art club & cafe Wetrinsky is possibly the only club of its sort currently operating in Maribor. +
Opening its doors at the end of 2016, the Art club & cafe Wetrinsky is possibly the only club of its sort currently operating in Maribor. +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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