Štrekelj Award

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Established in honour of Karel Štrekelj (1859–1912) who was a philologist and ethnologist and assistant professor at the University of Graz and honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. He is responsible for one of the most extensive publications of Slovenian folk song collection which was published by the Slovenska matica. This award is bestowed annually by the Slovene Ethnological Society and Municipality of Komen and is awarded to individuals or groups for their life's work or outstanding achievements in the field of collecting and preserving Slovenian folk heritage.

The seven-member committee for the Štrekl Award is appointed by the mayor of the municipality of Komen, a representative of the Management Board of the Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Amateur Cultural Activities SLKD and the head of the regional branch of SLKD Sežana. The other four members are appointed to the committee on the proposal of the Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts SAZU.

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SI-6223 Komen +
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Established in honour of Karel Štrekelj (1859–1912) who was a philologist and ethnologist and assistant professor at the University of Graz and honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. +
Established in honour of Karel Štrekelj (1859–1912) who was a philologist and ethnologist and assistant professor at the University of Graz and honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. +
+386 / 5 731 0450 +
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