Corn Seed Association, K Zrnovič Puppet Theatre



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Društvo Koruzno zrno, Lutkovno gledališče K Zrnovič
Grajska ulica 13, SI-2310 Slovenska Bistrica
Phone386 (0) 31 562 015

Corn Seed Association, K Zrnovič Puppet Theatre was established by the puppeteer and director Matevž Gregorič in 1997 in Slovenska Bistrica. Corn Seed Puppet Theatre productions are marked with a creative use of different materials, intertwined through the form of puppet performances, intended to both the children and adults. Since 2004, the association organises a small-scale puppet festival Kornfest, which presents mainly puppet performances by children and the youth.


The theatre's activity was instigated by 4 makers from Slovenska Bistrica, namely, Matevž Gregorič, Marko Bradan, Tomaž Ozimič, and Iztok Kalan, who created several successful puppetry productions. One of the theatre's early productions Nylon (1999) met with great acclaim by both the audience and the critics at home and abroad. It was presented at International Puppet Festival PIF in Zagreb, Crotia, at the Summer Puppet Pier Festival, Maribor, and at the Experimental Theatre Festival in Tzew, Poland. It received the Grand Prix at the Pierrot 2001 International Festival of Puppetry for Adults in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; was awarded for original approach at the Slovene Puppetry Biennial in 2001; and for direction at the Golden Dolphin International Puppet Festival in Varna, Bulgaria.

The group's project The Pohorje Legend [Pohorska legenda] (2006), directed by Matevž Gregorič and performed by Jana Jeglič and Matevž Gregorič, was presented at Summer Puppet Pier Festival in 2007 and received the Animation Award at the Slovene Puppetry Biennial in 2007. On the occasion of the group's 10th anniversary a big party featuring a diverse cultural programme and an exhibition was held at Graslov stolp in Slovenska Bistrica.

See also

External links

Društvo Koruzno zrno, Lutkovno gledališče K Zrnovič +
Društvo Koruzno zrno, Lutkovno gledališče K Zrnovič +
SI-2310 Slovenska Bistrica +
Grajska ulica 13 +
Corn Seed Association, K Zrnovič Puppet Theatre was established by the puppeteer and director Matevž Gregorič in 1997 in Slovenska Bistrica. +
Corn Seed Association, K Zrnovič Puppet Theatre was established by the puppeteer and director Matevž Gregorič in 1997 in Slovenska Bistrica. +
+386 / 31 562 015 +
Slovenska Bistrica +
SI-2310 +
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