Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Ljubljana



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Inštitut za zgodovino medicine, Univerza v Ljubljani
Zaloška 7a, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 439 6240

The Institute for the History of Medicine was established as an educational and scientific research institution in 1945. It cooperates with similar institutions in Europe and elsewhere, including institutes in neighbouring countries (Vienna, Padova, Zagreb, and Rijeka), institutes from the Anglo-Saxon countries (especially with the most significant institution of this kind, the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine in London); and the International Society for the History of Medicine based in Paris.

The Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, publishes several series of professional literature such as Famous Slovene Doctors, Translations of Historical Texts, Almanacs. Occasionally it prepares also topical documentary exhibitions, recently on the 35th anniversary of the building of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana (UMC). The Institute also incorporates a museum.

See also

External links

Inštitut za zgodovino medicine, Univerza v Ljubljani +
Inštitut za zgodovino medicine, Univerza v Ljubljani +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Zaloška 7a +
The Institute for the History of Medicine was established as an educational and scientific research institution in 1945. +
The Institute for the History of Medicine was established as an educational and scientific research institution in 1945. +
+386 / 1 439 6240 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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