Depot:River Man Award



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Organised byDance School Urška

The last time the award was bestowed was in 2009.

Archival article

Launched in 1998 by the creators of the popular TV programme Dance Parade [Parada plesa], the River Man Award is presented by the Urška Dance School and the Media ples Institute (founded by Barbra Drnač) in order to honour the best individuals, groups, and projects in the field of dance. All types of dance activity are taken into account, including stage dance (ballet, contemporary dance), sport dance, step dance, jazz, Latin American and ballroom dance, and folkloric dance. The awards are chosen by a jury as well as by the users of the Dance Parade website, who vote for the award in both categories, namely stage dance and competition dance.

Recent River Man Awards recipients have been Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek for the dance video 10 Years [10 let] and Jasna Knez, who received the award for her achievements in the field of dance.


The River Man Awards include awards for best female and male dancer of the year, best performance, most promising dancer, best visual/sound design, best lighting design, as well as special awards, for example, for life achievements, choreographic opus, etc. In the category of competition dance, the prizes go to the best show dancer and best show group, best hip-hop formation, best Latin-American performer, best standard dance performer, best rock'n'roll performer, as well as to the most promising dancer.

See also

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