Obala Koper Mixed Choir

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Mešani pevski zbor Obala Koper
Cesta Zore Perello Godina 3, SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria

Obala Koper Mixed Choir 02.jpgObala Koper Mixed Choir Group portrait, summer 2011

Conducted by Andrej Makor, the Obala Koper Mixed Choir is a high-quality mixed choir which performs choral music from all periods, especially contemporary choral compositions. The choir was established in 1977 and has been led by Mirko Slosar, Walter Lo Nigra, Ambrož Čopi, Maja Cilenšek and Sebastjan Vrhovnik.

Obala Koper Mixed Choir has initiated the International Choir Festival Koper that takes place annually in Koper. A programme of quality concerts is accompanied by several choir seminars with renowned Slovene and international conductors and lecturers. Obala often performs at official municipality and state events, cooperates with other choirs and orchestras and also stimulates the production of music by commissioning new compositions. For its 40th anniversary, the choir published a double CD with the title Sledi... (Traces...), which summarizes its activity under the leadership of the conductor Sebastjan Vrhovnik.

International awards

The choir has received many national and international awards, winning the Naša pesem Choir Competition 12 times. Other successes include the top prizes at the Fort Lauderdale International Festival in the USA (1999); at Cantonigros in Spain (2000); at the Orlando di Lasso Festival in Camerino, Italy (2001); at the Franz Schubert Competition in Vienna (2001); at the Preveza Competition in Greece (2003); at the Tonen 2000 competition in the Netherlands (2006); at Rimini in Italy (2008) and Miltenberg in Germany (2010). At the 50th International Choral Competition C. A. Seghizzi in Gorizia in 2011 they accomplished the second place in the competition for the Grand Prix Seghizzi, in the categories Polyphony and Contemporary music programme. More recent awards include Zlata vila in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2014 and the Grand Prix at the Italian competition CorAmare 2019 among others.

See also

External links


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Mešani pevski zbor Obala Koper +
Mešani pevski zbor Obala Koper +
SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria +
Cesta Zore Perello Godina 3 +
Conducted by Andrej Makor, the Obala Koper Mixed Choir is a high-quality mixed choir which performs choral music from all periods, especially contemporary choral compositions. +
Conducted by Andrej Makor, the Obala Koper Mixed Choir is a high-quality mixed choir which performs choral music from all periods, especially contemporary choral compositions. +
Koper-Capodistria +
SI-6000 +
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