Slovenian Alpine Museum


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Slovenski planinski muzej
Triglavska cesta 49, SI-4281 Mojstrana
Phone386 (0) 8 380 6730
Past events

Slovenian Alpine Museum 2010 entrance Photo Miro Erzen.JPGThe entrance of the Slovenian Alpine Museum opened in August 2010

The Slovenian Alpine Museum dedicated to mountaineering in Slovenia opened in August 2010 at the entrance to the Vrata Valley in the Triglav National Park. The new multifunctional edifice by the architects Boris Leskovec, Alja Vehovec, and Rok Kajtna hosts a permanent collection (previously displayed as a part of the Triglav Museum Collection), a specialised library, a historic mountain bivouac (transformed into a so-called escape room), temporary exhibitions, lectures, screenings, and presentations of Slovene and international mountaineering achievements. The Slovenian Alpine Museum also serves as an information point where visitors to the museum can book guided mountaineering trips in the wider Alpine area.

Exhibitions and experience

The renovated museum has introduced a gamified museum collection of the history of mountaineering in Slovenia that enables the visitors to experience the exhibition as climbing the mountains, including a virtual climb on the Triglav, the highest mountain in Slovenia.


In 2016 the museum received the King Albert Mountain Award for its unique cultural contribution to the entire Alpine region. In 2017 the museum received the Živa Award for the Best Slavic Museum, bestowed by the Forum of Slavic Cultures thus featuring also in The Best in Heritage 2018 edition in Dubrovnik.


Established in 1984 in the former Jozel Inn at Mojstrana, the Triglav Museum Collection presented the mountaineering collections of the Alpine Societies of Jesenice and Dovje Mojstrana. They include a wealth of historical documents, photographs and artefacts, arranged in various exhibitions including mountaineering in Slovenia, the first attempts to climb Mount Triglav, Slovenia's highest peak, the founding and development of the Slovene Mountaineering Club and its branches, the construction of Alpine huts, the tourist club Skala, the work of the mountain rescue service, and the life and work of Jakob Aljaž (1845–1927), a renowned priest from the area.

The founders of the museum are the Slovenian Mountaineering Association, the Slovene Mountaineering Club Skala, and Mountaineering Club Dovje–Mojstrana, which established the Foundation of Avgust Delavec (a mountain rescuer, alpinist, and collector) in 2008 to raise funds and monitor the museum's construction.

See also

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