Depot:Samovar Records



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Samovar Records
Trnovski pristan 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 283 8173

The label is not active anymore.

Archival article

This record label, established by Kataman - Association for Artistic Production, has issued two CDs: Poper by Pravi dedci and Kros Balkan Tur by Dani Kavaš.

See also

External links

... more about "Samovar Records"
Samovar Records +
Samovar Records +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Trnovski pristan 4 +
This record label, established by Kataman - Association for Artistic Production, has issued two CDs: Poper by Pravi dedci and Kros Balkan Tur by Dani Kavaš. +
This record label, established by Kataman - Association for Artistic Production, has issued two CDs: Poper by Pravi dedci and Kros Balkan Tur by Dani Kavaš. +
+386 / 1 283 8173 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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