DLUL Gallery

From Culture.si

Run by the Ljubljana Fine Artists Society (acronym: DLUL), the DLUL Gallery is an exhibition space for various strands of contemporary visual arts. Newly acquired by the society in 2014, this 96m² gallery is stationed on the banks of the Ljubljanica River in the old city centre of Ljubljana. It most often hosts fine arts exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, graphics and photography, yet is also open for installations, performances, lectures, workshops and so on.

Complementing the already active programme of DLUL-curated exhibitions (which still regularly take place at other venues), the gallery aspires to become one of the centres for contemporary visual art in Ljubljana. Though primarily used for exhibitions by members of the society, it is often used for collaborations with various society's partners, domestic ones as well as those from abroad.


Single artist shows, group exhibitions and collective commercial exhibitions of DLUL's members (usually held in August and December and offering works for fairly low prices) regularly take place at the gallery. The diverse and densely set programme features new displays on an almost monthly basis.

Some of the artists presented at DLUL Gallery have been the sculpturer Neža Jurman, the painter Taja Ivančič, the multidisciplinary artists Alenksandra Saška Gruden, Milan Ketiš and Nina Koželj, the photographers Noemi Veberič Levovnik, Arven Šakti Kralj Szomi, Uroš Abram and Marta Foldesova (SK), the collective Oloop Design and the architect Tatjana Capuder Vidmar. Some of the foreign artists presented have been Paride Di Stefano (IT), Cordue (DE) and a number of Finnish artists, among them, Anni Arffman, Pia Hentunen, Kaija Hinkula and Eija Hirvonen.

Amongst the many organisations that have – one way or another – been involved in the gallery's programme, one can mention the Photon Gallery, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts, Biennial of Design (BIO), Gulag Institute for Contemporary Arts and Cultures, Oulun Taiteiden Yö (FI), Amüseum Gallery (DE) and Biennial of Illustration Bratislava (SK).

See also

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... more about "DLUL Gallery"
Galerija DLUL +
46.046 +
Galerija DLUL +
14.505 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Breg 22 +
Run by the Ljubljana Fine Artists Society (acronym: DLUL), the DLUL Gallery is an exhibition space for various strands of contemporary visual arts. +
Run by the Ljubljana Fine Artists Society (acronym: DLUL), the DLUL Gallery is an exhibition space for various strands of contemporary visual arts. +
+386 / 1 434 9465 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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