Dr Fran Miklošič Memorial Room

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Spominska soba dr Frana Miklošiča
Radomerščak 15, SI-9240 Ljutomer

Phone386 (0) 2 582 1796

This memorial room in the birthplace of Fran Miklošič (1813–1891) commemorates the life and work of the renowned philologist and linguist. Located in Radomerščak near Ljutomer, the house was built in 1629, underwent an expansion in 1926, at which time a memorial plaque was placed on its façade, and has been renovated twice since.

Miklošič's legacy as the leading Slavic languages expert of the 19th century encompasses a range of indispensable works which laid the foundations for the study of comparative Slavic linguistics, the development of the Slovenian language, and the crystallisation of Slovenian orthography. He was professor of philosophy at the University of Graz, before being appointed to the Department of Slavic philology at the University of Vienna in 1849. He was later made a member of the Academy of Vienna. Furnished in the 19th-century style, the memorial room showcases his extensive work, including copies of dictionaries, letters, and linguistic essays.

See also

External links

Spominska soba dr Frana Miklošiča +
Spominska soba dr Frana Miklošiča +
SI-9240 Ljutomer +
Radomerščak 15 +
This memorial room in the birthplace of Fran Miklošič (1813–1891) commemorates the life and work of the renowned philologist and linguist. +
This memorial room in the birthplace of Fran Miklošič (1813–1891) commemorates the life and work of the renowned philologist and linguist. +
+386 / 2 582 1796 +
Ljutomer +
SI-9240 +