Museum of Slovene Police


The history of the Museum of Slovene Police dates back to the year 1920. In 1971 its first professional curator, art historian Biserka Debeljak developed an intriguing display based on the methodologies of dealing with different aspects of crime in the society. Thus the museum is often considered as the Museum of Criminalistics. The Museum of Slovene Police is a member of the Association of Slovene Museums.

Museum of Slovene Police.jpgThe Museum of Slovene Police installation in Tacen, 2008


After World War I, documentation on criminal acts on the territory of Slovenia was collected in the old military barracks in Šempeter, Ljubljana. Later the collection was transferred to various locations and since 1970 the so-called Museum of Internal Organisation – Criminal Collection was housed at the Police Secondary School in Tacen, Ljubljana.

In 2001 a Police Academy was established, and as space was initially at a premium the museum was temporarily closed. However, in December 2006, the museum collections were finally allocated a space within the academy and can now be visited by appointment. In this transition period the curator collaborated with the artist Alenka Pirman on the methodological contemporary art exhibition The Case. Art and Criminality at Mala Gallery in 2005.

In 2006 the Ministry of the Interior also published a thorough monography The Museum of the Internal Affairs Agencies – A Catalogue and Notes on the History of the Museum, Its Objects and the People Who Created It (in Slovenian).


The collections fulfill an important educational function and raise the awareness on crime prevention; its target audience includes students of criminal and social sciences, law students, doctors, ethnologists, social workers, and defectologists as well as the general public. The collections have been divided into the following sections:

  • Homicides and sexual criminal offenses
  • Crimes against property
  • Illicit drugs
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Economic crime
  • Criminal offenses related to the safety of the state and its constitutional system (formerly Political crime)
  • Execution of penal sanctions
  • Presentation of the Forensic investigation centre

See also

External links


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Muzej slovenske policije +
Muzej slovenske policije +
SI-1211 Ljubljana Šmartno +
Rocenska ulica 56 +
The history of the Museum of Slovene Police dates back to the year 1920. +
The history of the Museum of Slovene Police dates back to the year 1920. +
+386 / 1 428 4216 +
Ljubljana Šmartno +
SI-1211 +
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