Depot:Slowenischer Lesesaal, Regensburg


Slovenska čitalnica, Znanstveni center za Vzhodno in Jugovzhodno Evropo
Landshuter Strasse 4, D-93047 Regensburg
Phone49 (0) 941 943 5372

The Slowenischer Lesesaal (Slovene Reading Room) ceased its activities in January 2014. Its collection is searchable online. See below the archival article.

Archival article

The Slowenischer Lesesaal (Slovene Reading Room) was established in 2009 within a partner framework consisting of the Ministry of Culture (greatly assisted by the National and University Library), the University of Regensburg, and the Institute for South East European Studies in Regensburg. The Slovene reading room is unique in Germany, and offers a limited library collection of over 500 units, focused mainly on the history of Slovenia, its literature and language.

Mission and objectives

The establishment of the reading room was based on a vibrant cultural and language exchange between Regensburg and Slovenia. The study of Slovenian at the University of Regensburg has been possible since its inception in 1967; today, the reading room provides the necessary study materials for students and the general public. Among other periodicals, the newspapers Delo and Dnevnik are delivered daily.


The reading room is also a social and meeting place, where guest lectures, presentations, public readings, film events, and round tables take place. The vivid programme has featured several acclaimed artists, writers, and poets, such as Drago Jančar, Barbara Korun, Veit Heinchen, Taja Kramberger, Iztok Osojnik, Jani Kovačič, as well as lecturers (Marija Bidovec, Matteo Colombi, and Marko Zajc.

See also

External links

Slovenska čitalnica, Znanstveni center za Vzhodno in Jugovzhodno Evropo +
Slovenska čitalnica, Znanstveni center za Vzhodno in Jugovzhodno Evropo +
D-93047 Regensburg +
Landshuter Strasse 4 +
The Slowenischer Lesesaal (Slovene Reading Room) ceased its activities in January 2014. +
The Slowenischer Lesesaal (Slovene Reading Room) ceased its activities in January 2014. +
+49 / 941 943 5372 +
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