Embassy of the Republic of Germany in Slovenia

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Veleposlaništvo Zvezne Republike Nemčije
Prešernova cesta 27, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 479 0300, 386 (0) 40 224 033 (Urgent calls)

The Embassy of the Republic of Germany in Slovenia promotes cooperation and bilateral political, economic and cultural relations between Slovenia and Germany and provides a range of consular services.

The Embassy is also a promoter of German culture in Slovenia, facilitating bilateral cooperation in this field. The basis for formal cultural relations was an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on Cooperation in Culture signed in 1994. In June 1995 a German reading room was opened in the Central Technological Library, University of Ljubljana with over 5.000 media units and in 2004 the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana was established as an important platform for developing intercultural exchange.

Stipends and German language support

The DAAD scholarships are awarded annually in different areas of research, including humanities. A lecturer from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) works at the German department of the University of Ljubljana, and a DAAD language assistant at the University of Maribor.

A number of Slovene grammar schools offer a German language diploma programme. It has been supported by the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) and the Goethe Institute and coordinated by the Slovene National Education Institute [Zavod za šolstvo RS].

German Month in Maribor ECoC 2012

The Embassy of the Republic of Germany in Slovenia and the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana has cooperated closely with the Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012 team preparing the Cultural Embassies programme. The German Month opened in June with a few poster exhibitions: the Ein Fall für Literatur - A case for literature, the Maerchenwelten - Fairy Tale Worlds at the Vetrinj Mansion and the Nothing is done exhibition by Klaus Staeck, one of the most significant German poster artists, at the Salon 2012. The Ruhr 2010 - Local Heroes documentary film was dedicated to the ECoC Ruhr 2010 and the round table Friendship Circle Marburg-Maribor to the twinned cities of the two countries. Frank Bretschneider, Berlin-based musician, composer and video artist, presented his multimedia piece at the Kino Udarnik Maribor.

The As We Speak - Future Languages line of projects curated by Heike Albrecht focused on the transformative and translational processes of different languages and sounds. It opened mid June with Stefan Rummel's site-specific sound installation in the historical centre of Maribor (produced in cooperation with the uho;oko: Institute for Art and Technology in Maribor) and continued with various exhibitions, installations and concerts, discussions and workshops throughout the year, including the Archeology of an Era – Socialist Modernism exhibition by Roman Bezjak in September.

Fredy Gareis, a freelance journalist and reporter from the Middle East, was selected as a writer-in-residence, a town chronicler. His observations on the common cultural heritage of Germans and Slovenes were published in a bilingual blog and other media. The scholarship was awarded by the German Cultural Forum for Eastern Europe, Potsdam.

The film programme featured 13 European documentaries and short film productions from the series Climate. Culture. Change. provided by Goethe-Institute Ljubljana. The German Month programme included also several projects for youth, for instance Goethe & Maribor 2012 and a workshop of experimental turntablism, led by Ignaz Schick, Martin Tétreault and Joke Lanz.

The international symposium Germany meets Slovenia was set up by the Slovene Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, the German-Slovene Chamber of Commerce, and the partner institution Goethe-Institut Ljubljana. The first seminar was held in Berlin in June 2011, when Slovenia celebrated its 20th anniversary of independence, the second takes place at the Vetrinj Mansion in Maribor.

See also

External links

Veleposlaništvo Zvezne Republike Nemčije +
Veleposlaništvo Zvezne Republike Nemčije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Prešernova cesta 27 +
The Embassy of the Republic of Germany in Slovenia promotes cooperation and bilateral political, economic and cultural relations between Slovenia and Germany and provides a range of consular services. +
The Embassy of the Republic of Germany in Slovenia promotes cooperation and bilateral political, economic and cultural relations between Slovenia and Germany and provides a range of consular services. +
+386 / 1 479 0300, 386 / 40 224 033 .Urgent calls. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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