Anthropological Notebooks



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Antropološki zvezki
Gortanova 22, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone386 (0) 1 520 7737
Frequencythree times per year

European anthropological institutions annually receive issues of Anthropological Notebooks, launched in 1995 and published in English three times per year by the Slovene Anthropological Society . It is a journal with an international editorial board which brings together papers related to biological, social, linguistic, educational and philosophical anthropology as well as book reviews.

The latest number from 2020 includes anthropological and historical articles on the topic of space and religious heritages. Articles of issues from 2005 are available online in pdf format here.

See also

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... more about "Anthropological Notebooks"
Antropološki zvezki +
three times per year +
Antropološki zvezki +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gortanova 22 +
European anthropological institutions annually receive issues of Anthropological Notebooks, launched in 1995 and published in English three times per year by the Slovene Anthropological Society . +
European anthropological institutions annually receive issues of Anthropological Notebooks, launched in 1995 and published in English three times per year by the Slovene Anthropological Society . +
+386 / 1 520 7737 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +