Slovene Anthropological Society



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Društvo antropologov Slovenije (DAS)
Gortanova 22, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 520 7836

The Slovene Anthropological Society was established in 1992. As a research society, it facilitates anthropological research into past and modern cultures, languages, human development, and biodiversity. Its researchers also pursue fundamental questions relating to human rights, law, industry, ecology, health, and world population.

The society brings together anthropologists and other experts who work across a variety of disciplines and are organised into three sections: biological anthropology; socio-cultural anthropology; and linguistic anthropology or paleoanthropology and anthropology of archaeological periods.

The Slovene Anthropological Society issues Anthropological Notebooks, a journal devoted to biological, social, linguistic, educational and philosophical anthropology. Scheduled on a three-year basis, the association also hosts the international science conference Škerlj's Days, named after the first professional Slovenian anthropologist, Božo Škerlj (1893–1975). The 6th conference with the overarching theme "Hard Reality of Dream Society: Uses of Anthropology in Contemporary World" was held in 2010.

See also

External links

Društvo antropologov Slovenije (DAS) +
Društvo antropologov Slovenije (DAS) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gortanova 22 +
The Slovene Anthropological Society was established in 1992. +
The Slovene Anthropological Society was established in 1992. +
+386 / 1 520 7836 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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