Šentjur Public Library

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Splošna knjižnica Šentjur
Mestni trg 5b, SI-3230 Šentjur
Phone386 (0) 3 746 3740

Tracing its origins to 1945, the Šentjur Public Library was officially established in 1992. It runs braches in Dobje, Ponikva, and Planina. The library houses a children's and an adult department, a media department, a reading room and a computer classroom providing Internet access, as well as a local collection department, which maintains materials on the region. As a cultural and information centre, it hosts a slew of activities and events for children and adults, such as literary evenings, exhibitions, lectures, creative workshops, and story-telling hours. Organised visits to schools and kindergartens, where young users learn about the library and its resources, foster a high level of information literacy.

See also

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