Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia

From Culture.si

The Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia was established in 1955 by the Executive Council of the Assembly of Slovenia as a research and consultancy agency. Since 1962 the institute has operated as an independent research institution.

The institute works in frames of professional development and research, covering the fields of wider urban, regional, and spatial planning, urban research and design, and related disciplines. In 1993 the Urban Planning Institute became a public research organisation, recognised and partly financially supported by the Slovene government.

Besides organising trainings and educations for experts, it also offers public lectures and open debates with internationally renown professors and other professionals, and organises conferences and workshops on urban renewal, preservation, and landscape design.

International collaboration

The Urban Planning Institute is a member of ICONDA, the Central European Urban Observatory (CEUO), URBINNO, Network Projects OECD, the Urban Affairs Group, OECD, the Technical Co-operation Service, the Great Lakes Colleges Association, UNECE, UNDP, and UNESCO.

The Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia is registered in the TEMPUS PHARE/TACIS Central Consultancy Register through the Slovene International Consultants (SIC) Consortium for Education, Consultancy, Research, Engineering and Design.

International projects

The international project "Human Cities" supported by the European Culture Programme during 2008–2012 acted as a European Network, opening the door to extensive collaborations between Brussels, St. Etienne, Milan, Ljubljana, and Glasgow. Each of the partners developed a specific theme around sustainable urban design, from public design and sustainable communities, to pedagogy. The Slovene Urban Planning Institute (with an associated partner ProstoRož) focused on GIS mapping methods for public space evaluation, based on the exploration of people+s engagement with public spaces. The Mapping Workshop took place in October 2009 in Ljubljana.

The institute took part in the international Réseau Art Nouveau Network which from 1999 connected different European cities, distinguished by their rich cultural heritage of Art Nouveau. The purpose of the network was to encourage research, promotion, popularisation, and protection of this heritage; the core activity was a multimedia exhibition on European Art Nouveau in its social, political, and economic contexts, that took place simultaneously in all six partner cities in 2008. The project was supported within the framework of the programme Culture 2000.

Other past international projects include research on the Sustainable Development of Alpine Cultural Landscapes in the Austria-Slovenia Border Region and on the Legal and Regulatory Measures for Sustainable Transport in Cities, a project funded in 1998 by the European Community under the 4th Framework RTD programme.


The Institute publishes the monthly Urbani izziv Journal, the central scientific–professional magazine for spatial planning in Slovenia.

Other publications include Art Nouveau in Progress an accompaniment to the travelling exhibition and was published in collaboration with Ruta Europea del Modernisme in a bilingual English–Slovenian version. Another version of the book presenting case studies from different cities was published in two bilingual editions: English–French and French–Dutch.

See also

External links

Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije +
Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije +
SI-1127 Ljubljana +
Trnovski pristan 2 +
The Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia was established in 1955 by the Executive Council of the Assembly of Slovenia as a research and consultancy agency. +
The Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia was established in 1955 by the Executive Council of the Assembly of Slovenia as a research and consultancy agency. +
+386 / 1 420 1300 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1127 +
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