Depot:Liberal Academy, Association for Political Democracy and Liberalism Research


Liberalna akademija, Društvo za proučevanje politične demokracije in liberalizma
Slovenska cesta 27, SI-1001 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 478 9718

As of 2015, Liberal Academy was renamed to Alternative Academy and moved its focus away from publishing and other, culture-related activities.

Archival article

The Liberal Academy was established in 1992 as the Association for Political Democracy and Liberalism Research and derives from the late 1980s engaged civil society movement (most of its members were involved in the informal Debate Club 89). The association acts as a platform of independent liberal intellectuals. In the Liberal Academy Series, it publishes mainly theoretical monographs, proceedings, and political essays and bestows the Golden Bird Award to innovative and emerging young Slovene artists.

See also

External link

Liberalna akademija, Društvo za proučevanje politične demokracije in liberalizma +
Liberalna akademija, Društvo za proučevanje politične demokracije in liberalizma +
SI-1001 Ljubljana +
Slovenska cesta 27 +
The Liberal AcademyThe Liberal Academy was established in 1992 as the Association for Political Democracy and Liberalism Research and derives from the late 1980s engaged civil society movement (most of its members were involved in the informal Debate Club 89). involved in the informal Debate Club 89). +
The Liberal Academy was established in 1992 as the Association for Political Democracy and Liberalism Research and derives from the late 1980s engaged civil society movement (most of its members were involved in the informal Debate Club 89). +
+386 / 1 478 9718 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1001 +
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