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The band is not active anymore.

Archival article

The instrumental trio Y was formed in 2004 by musicians from Gornja Radgona and Murska Sobota. In 2007 when Rok Vrbančič briefly joined the band on synthesizer and sampler, Y's raw hard core sound became more intricate. Today, guitarist Marko Borko, bass player Andrej Glažar and drummer Bojan Varga continue to play with ambiental atmospheric soundscapes and sharply contrasted tempos. Traces of hard core, post rock, math rock and sludge metal can be heard in their precise compositions that prefer crescendos to peaks.

Y's first EP Germ (2006) was recorded with Vasja Golar on bass and released by the local independent record label God Bless This Mess. It was followed by a self-titled demo (2007). Their first full-length album Blessing Alarm was released in 2011 by the same record label. Critics have praised the album's innovative and dynamic song structure, stipulating that Y should be experienced live. The band is often invited to events and venues that do not host hard core bands. For example, they have played at Jazz Club Satchmo in Maribor and at Čadrg Records's festival Tabor narave in Triglav National Park. Y is a member of the Prekmurje Noise Conspiracy (P-N-C).

See also

External links

... more about "Y"
The instrumental trio Y was formed in 2004 by musicians from Gornja Radgona and Murska Sobota. +
The instrumental trio Y was formed in 2004 by musicians from Gornja Radgona and Murska Sobota. +
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