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Past events

Osmo/za is a collaborative space on the 8th floor of the 1960s' Avtotehna skyscraper at Slovenska 54 in the very centre of Ljubljana. It was set up in 2017 by a consortium of three NGO art/cultural producers with a rich and varied history: Ljudmila, which engages in the development and popularisation of open culture, free licences and software, and in new ways of data distribution; Delak Institute, a production house exploring post-gravity art and outlining a path for space culturalisation; and Projekt Atol Institute, whose activities range from art production to scientific research and technological prototype development and production.

Follow the links below for a current programme of performances, talks and workshops.

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... more about "Osmo/za"
osmo/za +
46.056 +
osmo/za +
14.506 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Slovenska 54 +
Osmo/za is a collaborative space on the 8th floor of the 1960s' Avtotehna skyscraper at Slovenska 54 in the very centre of Ljubljana. +
Osmo/za is a collaborative space on the 8th floor of the 1960s' Avtotehna skyscraper at Slovenska 54 in the very centre of Ljubljana. +
Osmo/za je obenem umetniški produkcijski cOsmo/za je obenem umetniški produkcijski center, kulturno prizorišče, razvojni laboratorij z dobro opremljeno delavnico in, nenazadnje, rezidenčni prostor za mednarodne umetnike. Osmo/za je tudi umetniško-skupnostno vozlišče, kjer se prepleta raznolika ustvarjalna ter intelektualna dejavnost posameznikov z različnimi ozadji – umetnikov, raziskovalcev, programerjev, oblikovalcev, tehnologov in producentov, ki prostor in njegovo poslanstvo nenehno potiskajo k robovom.vo poslanstvo nenehno potiskajo k robovom. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +