Obzorja Publishing House

From Culture.si

Založba Obzorja
Partizanska cesta 5, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 234 8102

Obzorja Publishing House was founded in 1950 on the initiative of several Maribor authors including Anton Ingolič, Jaro Dolar, and Branko Rudolf. It soon became one of the most important cultural and educational establishments in the broader Maribor region, offering a variety of different book and audio-video materials.

Today, Obzorja Publishing House works in different fields of book production. In addition to original Slovene and translated literature for children, young people and adults, it offers primary and secondary school textbooks, handbooks for areas of interests ranging from traveling and cooking to more scientific topics. Its publishing programme is presented at book fairs across Slovenia.

Helidon music programme

An important part of Obzorja activities is the music programme Helidon, which originally also comprised the first Slovene vinyl records company. They have also published the albums of well-known Slovene popular-folk bands such as the Lojze Slak Ensemble and the Avsenik Ensemble.


Obzorja Publishing House has developed a network of bookshops and shops with stationery supplies. Books, CDs and DVDs can be ordered online from their website.

See also

External links

... more about "Obzorja Publishing House"
Založba Obzorja +
Založba Obzorja +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Partizanska cesta 5 +
Obzorja Publishing House was founded in 1950 on the initiative of several Maribor authors including Anton Ingolič, Jaro Dolar, and Branko Rudolf. +
Obzorja Publishing House was founded in 1950 on the initiative of several Maribor authors including Anton Ingolič, Jaro Dolar, and Branko Rudolf. +
Založba Obzorja vodi raznolik program knjižnih del in avdio-video gradiv. +
+386 / 2 234 8102 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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