Delo Publishing House


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Delo d.d.
Dunajska 5, SI-1509 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 473 7400

Delo Newspaper 2010 Archive.jpgDelo's archives, the content from recent years can be browsed online (Delo online version) but the archive on Dunajska street, Ljubljana, is also open for visits by appointment

Delo Publishing House (in English delo means "labour") is a public limited liability company that employs around 450 people, 200 in the journalist section (170 journalists, 9 in the cultural section) and others in the service sector (distribution, marketing and printing). Delo publishes the daily newspaper Delo, with 4 magazine supplements (Deloindom, Ona, Polet, Vikend). Other publications are: the daily tabloid Slovenske novice; the Sunday newspaper Nedelo, the Pogledi Newspaper on art, culture and society, and the specialised magazine Grafičar (graphic industry).

Delo Publishing House is also running three Internet portals, and as well as recognized annual events. Additionally Delo’s content is now available on mobile and tablet platforms

Journalistic and photographic archive

The Journalistic Documentation Department maintains one of the richest photographic and newspaper archives in Slovenia. The content of the recent years can be browsed on the Internet archive of the Delo online version but the archive on Dunajska street is also open for visits by appointment.

Cicero Gallery

In the lobby of the Delo Publishing House there is also an occasional gallery with its programme closely linked to publishing or the company itself. It was initiated by a painter and syndicalist Lojze Adamlje and featured also the paintings by Marjan Skumavc who used to write the notorious "black chronicle" articles in the Delo newspaper for years.

See also

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... more about "Delo Publishing House"
Delo d.d. +
Delo d.d. +
SI-1509 Ljubljana +
Dunajska 5 +
Delo Publishing House (in English deDelo Publishing House (in English delo means "labour") is a public limited liability company that employs around 450 people, 200 in the journalist section (170 journalists, 9 in the cultural section) and others in the service sector (distribution, marketing and printing).or (distribution, marketing and printing). +
Delo Publishing House (in English delo meaDelo Publishing House (in English delo means "labour") is a public limited liability company that employs around 450 people, 200 in the journalist section (170 journalists, 9 in the cultural section) and others in the service sector (distribution, marketing and printing).or (distribution, marketing and printing). +
+386 / 1 473 7400 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1509 +
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