Prifarski muzikanti



Prifarski muzikanti have been playing traditional Slovene folk music since 1987. The band, founded in the village Fara pri Kostelu – hence the name, which literally means "Musicians by Fara" – continues the tradition of their fathers, who were also performing in those parts since the early decades of the 20th century. Primarily gathered for performing alongside a folklore dance group, they soon started playing extensively around Slovenia and released their first album in 1993. At first playing renditions of traditional folk songs, they soon expanded their repertoire with their own songs. Recently they've done a number of evergreen covers and started showing a strong affinity for a more Mediterranean sound.

Awards and appearances

Their forth CD, titled Dober večer, mamica [Good Evening, Mommyg was chosen for the best ethno album of the year in Slovenia and has gotten them the Zlati petelin Award. Since 2005, they have won 4 times at the Festival narečne popevke, the oldest annual festival of Slovene popular songs, and were also chosen by public vote as the best act on the Slovenska popevka festival, a Slovene popular entertainment festival, in 2009. The same year, they performed at the EtnoKostel festival (which they helped founding in 2007) and also won there.

They played in Denmark, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Italy and had a USA tour in 2000. For the last four years, they've held annual concerts in Cankarjev dom, routinely filling its biggest venue, Gallus Hall. Till now, they have released 12 albums and hosted numerous other Slovene musicians at their live performances.

The song with which they won their latest first place at the Festival narečne popevke.


The band's line-up has somewhat changed and evolved in the last two decades, much of the changes happening along the family lines. Currently, they have Mitja Ferenc on berda (an instrument similar to double bass), Valentin Južnič on bisernica (an instrument similar to mandolin), Martin Marinč and Toni Obranovič on accordion, Uroš Obranovič on bugarija (an instrument similar to violoncello), Jernej Pečak on violin and Brane Počkar on brač (an instrument similar to a guitar). This peculiar mix of cordophone instruments and accordions, combined with all of them being vocalists, gives them a very distinctive sound.

External links

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Prifarski muzikanti +
Prifarski muzikanti +
SI-1336 Kostel +
Fara 15 +
Prifarski muzikanti have been playing traditional Slovene folk music since 1987. +
Prifarski muzikanti have been playing traditional Slovene folk music since 1987. +
+386 / 1 894 8060 +
Kostel +
SI-1336 +
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