Minorite St Petrus and Paulus Monastery Archives and Library, Ptuj

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Arhiv minoritskega samostana sv Petra in Pavla na Ptuju
Minoritski trg 1, SI-2250 Ptuj
Phone386 (0) 2 748 0310

The oldest monastery of the Minorite Order in Slovenia was established by the Ptuj nobility in 1239. Today today's monastery is a Baroque building. The church was demolished after 1945 but recently reconstructed. However, a rich library and archive has been preserved.


The foundation of the Minorite Monastery was built from the very beginnings in the monastery's archives. In 1941 it moved to the provost church premises, together with the material of Ptuj and the surrounding parish offices. After 1945, the Museum Society took over the material, followed by the City Museum of Ptuj, which in 1954 handed the archives over to the newly formed Municipal Archives.

See also

External links

Arhiv minoritskega samostana sv Petra in Pavla na Ptuju +
46.418 +
Arhiv minoritskega samostana sv Petra in Pavla na Ptuju +
15.872 +
SI-2250 Ptuj +
Minoritski trg 1 +
The oldest monastery of the Minorite Order in Slovenia was established by the Ptuj nobility in 1239. +
The oldest monastery of the Minorite Order in Slovenia was established by the Ptuj nobility in 1239. +
+386 / 2 748 0310 +
SI-2250 +
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