Domestic Research Society


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Društvo za domače raziskave
Šarhova 34, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Past events

Domestic Research Society 2010 Word for Word, Without Words project Photo Urska Boljkovac.JPGDomestic Research Society's founding members. From left to right: Damjan Kracina, Alenka Pirman, Jani Pirnat. Word for Word, Without Words project exhibited at the City Art Gallery Ljubljana in 2010.

The Domestic Research Society (DRS) was established in 2004 by visual artists Alenka Pirman and Damijan Kracina, and art historian Jani Pirnat. Under the motto "nothing of that which is domestic is alien to us" the society documents, collects, researches and presents domestic phenomena as installations, exhibitions or web projects related to the field of culture, art, science, conservation, and education.

Domestic Research Society 2015 The Animal Dance Photo Ivan Pirnat.JPGThe Animal Dance Macabre painting by the Domestic Research Society at the Rebro World War I cemetery, Triglav National Park, 2015 Alongside a spoken Slovenian collaborative online dictionary Razvezani jezik - The Unleashed Tongue, launched in 2004 (and closed in 2019), the team has conceived several engaging visual arts projects, the Word for Word, Without Words, an interdisciplinary exhibition in City Art Gallery Ljubljana, or the Animal Dance Macabre that commemorates the animals in the World War One.


In 2004 the team conceived an engaging public art project entitled The Animals 1914–1918 installed in Kobarid. From 2005 to 2010 a modular display laboratory called "Kabinet" (The Cabinet), a temporary exhibiting space (located in the inner courtyard of the Škuc Gallery, was conceived in relation to the phenomenon of private collections and their displays. The following projects took place in the Cabinet: La Capilla Atomica; Alternations by Jani Pirnat; Shut Your Eyes and Watch (Silent Lectures) and On Profession II - Rog Teachings both by Alenka Pirman, Folk Museum of Nani Poljanec Rogaška Slatina curated by Pirnat; Specimen by Damijan Kracina and Jani Pirnat; Napeto v kabinetu [Distended Cabinet] installation by Irena Romih; Jelenometry research exhibition by Alexei Monroe and DRS members (a hunt for the symbolic Stag on the borders of natural science, humanities, and art).

Folk Museum of Nani Poljanec 2006 Domestic Research Society Photo Damijan Kracina (2).JPGSome artefacts from the Folk Museum of Nani Poljanec, Rogaška Slatina, as displayed in 2006 in The Cabinet of the Domestic Research Society

The ongoing project by DRS S'pajkanje [Domestic Spider] started as an extensive research on the metal wall spider, an ornament that has been adorning the walls of Slovene homes for almost 60 years, in the meantime becoming so commonplace that it gets overlooked even by its owners and their neighbours. Some of the findings were displayed at the Kolodvor Library in September 2009.

In the summer of 2014 Katarina Toman Kracina and the Domestic Research Society's members painted a 7-metres long canvas an Animal Dance Macabre based on the a late-medieval Hrastovlje Dance Macabre fresco. The Živali/Gli animali/Tiere 1914—1918 artwork that commemorates the animals in the World War One was installed first next to Mangart mountain hut, close to where the battle positions on Isonzo front were set up 100 years ago. Later on the painting was presented at the National Museum of Contemporary History and at the Krško Gallery.

Artwork educational project

From 2007 to 2010 DRS co-organised a joint project with Škuc Gallery and Celje Gallery of Contemporary Art: Artwork – a series of lectures that focused on individual works of art. The first lecturers were Tomaž Brejc and Bojan Gorenec followed by Jože Barši, Miklavž Komelj and Dunja Kukovec in 2008 and Dragan Živadinov, Meta Gabršek Prosenc and Martina Vovk in 2009. In 2010 Artwork featured lectures by Beti Žerovc and Jiři Bezlaj.

International presence

Domestic Research Society participated at the Crazy Curators Biennial in Bratislava in 2008, curated by Alenka Gregorič and in 2010 it was hosted by the Superficie Totale (Giovanni Morbin) in Cornedo Vicentino, Italy. In 2012 the society and its partner associations SIZ (Rijeka, Croatia) and PENSART (Madrid, Spain) won a research and development grant by the European Cultural Foundation for the Hard Facts project. The project focused on the DIY historisation methods and took place in Vienna, Ljubljana, Madrid and Rijeka in 2012–2013.

In 2016 the Domestic Research Society got engaged in TRACES, a multi-annual interdisciplinary research project that tackled the ‘hard-case’ of contentious heritage and its transmitting via new forms of collaboration between artists, researchers and cultural institutions. TRACES was funded under the EU Horizon 2020 Reflective Society programme and involved collaboration of 11 research institutions from Austria, Italy, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Romania, Slovenia and the UK. The Domestic Research Society conducted a research Casting of Death together with the experts from National and University Library, Moderna galerija (MG), and City Museum of Ljubljana.

See also

External links
