Razvezani jezik - The Unleashed Tongue
1 Jun 2012
Italy San Pietro al Natisone/Špeter Slovenov Slovenski kulturni center/Centro culturale sloveno
The Unleashed Tongue, a workshop on phrasemes by the Domestic Research Society (Alenka Pirman)
The online form for contributions was not structured therefore the entries followed the logic of the writer. The publisher decided to offer the selected contents in a book format from time to time. The e-brochure from 2006 was followed by Razvezani jezik printed dictionary in 2007. It brought some 10 % of the content, illustrated by Vasja Lebarič in a folk-punk style. To mark the 10th anniversary of the project, Kaja Dolar and Inge Pangos selected and edited a thematic Razvezani jezik XXXY dictionary, dedicated to the topic of gender, sex and sexuality. It was designed by Ajdin Bašić, illustrated by Anna Ehrlemark and printed in 2014.
Archiving of the dictionary
In 2019 the publisher decided to close down the crowdsourcing function and to archive its content in several ways. The physical and digital archive of the whole project was donated to the NUK Manuscript Collection and Early Printed Collection and to the Computer Museum. Its database was included in the CLARIN.SI (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) certified repository. The dictionary has remained online as read only website.
See also
External links
- Razvezani jezik dictionary (in Slovenian)
- Domestic Research Society website
- Unleashed Tongue as the Creative Commons case study
Archived versions
- Razvezani jezik on CLARIN.SI (permanent identifier)