Ivan Cankar Institute Vrhnika

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Zavod Ivana Cankarja za kulturo, šport in turizem Vrhnika
Tržaška cesta 9, SI-1360 Vrhnika
Phone386 (0) 1 750 6630

Ivan Cankar Institute Vrhnika is a municipal cultural institution named after Ivan Cankar (1876–1918), the Slovene modernist writer born in Vrhnika. Since 2005 the institute engages in the development of culture, sport, and tourism. It produces numerous local events (e.g. public holiday celebrations, Argonauts Days), issues calls for participation and engages with the local civil society. Its central venue is Cankarjev dom (Ivan Cankar Cultural House), built in the 1960s, which serves as a cinema, gallery, and theatre.

As of 2016 the institute co-manages the Ljubljanica River Exhibition, a museum dedicated to the natural and cultural heritage of the Ljubljanica river and its immediate surroundings.

Cankarjev dom (Ivan Cankar Culture House)

For a subscriber-audience the culture house hosts performances by Slovene theatre houses from Ljubljana, Maribor, Koper, Kranj, and Ptuj, as well as children's puppetry performances from the repertoire of Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Maribor Puppet Theatre and other individual groups. Music concerts feature various genres of music, from classical and choral music to jazz.

Most of the programme is conceived in collaboration with local producers (for example, theatre performances by Dejmo Stisnt Theatre, Cankarjada Theatre Festival by Vrhnika Student Club, or events by the local Public Fund for Cultural Activities).

The gallery presents mostly young or local artists such as painter Floris Oblak (1924–2006) or caricaturist Marjan Bregar (1928–2009).

See also

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Zavod Ivana Cankarja za kulturo, šport in turizem Vrhnika +
45.964 +
Zavod Ivana Cankarja za kulturo, šport in turizem Vrhnika +
14.297 +
SI-1360 Vrhnika +
Tržaška cesta 9 +
Ivan Cankar Institute Vrhnika is a municipal cultural institution named after Ivan Cankar (1876–1918), the Slovene modernist writer born in Vrhnika. +
Ivan Cankar Institute Vrhnika is a municipal cultural institution named after Ivan Cankar (1876–1918), the Slovene modernist writer born in Vrhnika. +
Zavod Ivana Cankarja za kulturo, šport in turizem Vrhnika je občinska kulturna ustanova,ki vodi več kulturnih prizorišč in programov v občini. +
+386 / 1 750 6630 +
Vrhnika +
SI-1360 +
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