IPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights

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Zavod IPF, Zavod za uveljavljanje pravic izvajalcev in proizvajalcev fonogramov Slovenije
Šmartinska 152, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 527 2930

IPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights was established in 1997 as a non-for-profit collecting society for implementation of the rights of performers and producers of phonograms. The organisation collectively asserts and protects the rights of national performers and producers of phonograms and, on the basis of international agreements, also brings into force and protects the rights of foreign performers and producers of phonograms in Slovenia.

The co-founders of the institute are Slovene record companies: Menart Records, Dallas Records, Nika Records, Dots Records and the Slovene Musicians Syndicate (SGS). In the year 2000 the institute was issued a permission by the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) for collective management of the rights in Slovenia.

IPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights (logo).svgIPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights

Mission and activities

IPF respects the International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, proposed in 1961 in Rome. IPF is a collecting society whose main activity is collecting remuneration for public use of phonograms which are being used in business purposes by users, such as restaurants, shops, television and radio stations, bars, etc. Such collecting of remuneration for the usage of recordings is made on the basis of the tariffs outlined in the Rule Book for Using Phonograms. The money thus raised is then distributed among legitimate performers and producers of music.

The IPF website offers access to forms, a blog, IPF TV, and the IPF digital library.

International cooperation

The organisation cooperates with the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which represents the recording industry worldwide with over 1400 members in 66 countries and affiliated industry associations in 45 countries.

See also

External links


Zavod IPF, Zavod za uveljavljanje pravic izvajalcev in proizvajalcev fonogramov Slovenije +
Zavod IPF, Zavod za uveljavljanje pravic izvajalcev in proizvajalcev fonogramov Slovenije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Šmartinska 152 +
IPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights was established in 1997 as a non-for-profit collecting society for implementation of the rights of performers and producers of phonograms. +
IPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights was established in 1997 as a non-for-profit collecting society for implementation of the rights of performers and producers of phonograms. +
+386 / 1 527 2930 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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