Aristej Publishing House



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Založba Aristej d. o. o.
Marčičeva 19, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 250 2193

Aristej started as a publisher of children's books in 1993 and with the integration of Dialogi Journal next year re-established itself as a publisher of social science and humanities books. Since 1998 it publishes the magazine Dialogi Journal, and since 2007, the Analiza Journal. They have continued to translate and publish books for children, and started with the collection of educational books for youth called "Pojmovnik" ("A Glossary"). Many of Aristej’s books have opened up new fields and topics which prior to that time had not been treated in Slovenia so comprehensively, especially in the field of analytical philosophy. Some of the books can be bought online.

See also

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... more about "Aristej Publishing House"
Založba Aristej d. o. o. +
Založba Aristej d. o. o. +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Marčičeva 19 +
Aristej started as a publisher of children's books in 1993 and with the integration of Dialogi Journal next year re-established itself as a publisher of social science and humanities books. +
Aristej started as a publisher of children's books in 1993 and with the integration of Dialogi Journal next year re-established itself as a publisher of social science and humanities books. +
Založba Aristej vodi založniški program, ki obsega tako knjige s področja humanistike in družboslovja kot leposlovje za otroke in priročnike. +
+386 / 2 250 2193 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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