Golden Roll Award


The Golden Roll Award is a project launched in 2001 by the Alliance of Slovenian Associations of Filmmakers and the Kolosej Cinemas with the intent to promote the domestic film production. It is awarded to films made by Slovene producers or with Slovene partners as co-producers which have been screened at Slovene cinema theatres and viewed by more than 25,000 people.

See also

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Zlata rola +
Zlata rola +
The Golden Roll Award is a project launched in 2001 by the Alliance of Slovenian Associations of Filmmakers and the Kolosej Cinemas with the intent to promote the domestic film production. +
The Golden Roll Award is a project launched in 2001 by the Alliance of Slovenian Associations of Filmmakers and the Kolosej Cinemas with the intent to promote the domestic film production. +
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