Soteska Depot of Vehicles


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Razstava vozil Tehniškega muzeja Slovenije
Soteska 38, SI-8351 Straža
Phone386 (0) 7 384 5188, 386 (0) 1 384 5191

Soteska Depot of Vehicles 2005 permanent exhibition.JPGCollection of vehicles at Soteska open-storage depot, Soteska Depot of Vehicles, 2005

With the exception of the wagon and carriage collection, the Soteska open-storage depot encompasses a collection of vehicles that as a whole do not qualify as a museum collection. The vehicle collection is constantly complemented and rotated. When the project for a museum exhibition addressing the whole history of road transport in Slovenia can finally be realised, the most distinguished examples of wagons and carriages will be moved to Bistra, making way for some other vehicles from the Bistra Museum or Borovnica Open Storage Depot. In the future a more detailed presentation of the wagons and carriages collection together with their historical development is planned.

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Razstava vozil Tehniškega muzeja Slovenije +
Razstava vozil Tehniškega muzeja Slovenije +
SI-8351 Straža +
Soteska 38 +
With the exception of the wagon and carriage collection, the Soteska open-storage depot encompasses a collection of vehicles that as a whole do not qualify as a museum collection. +
With the exception of the wagon and carriage collection, the Soteska open-storage depot encompasses a collection of vehicles that as a whole do not qualify as a museum collection. +
+386 / 7 384 5188, 386 / 1 384 5191 +
Straža +
SI-8351 +
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