Summer School Bovec


In 2008 the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana co-organised the Summer School Bovec for the first time. The school is run by Professor Vladimir Wakounig from the Alpe-Adria University in Klagenfurt, Austria, and takes place in Bovec, Slovenia, in the last two weeks in August. Organised together with and aimed for students of the partner universities from the region, each year the Summer School addresses many different topics in the society, culture, common heritage (in 2008 Bread and Wine, in 2010 Social Diversity in the Region: Cultural, Linguistic, Social and Economic Aspects). The aim is to encourage intercultural dialogue between the countries in the region.

The Summer School Bovec is visited by students and professors from the University of Trieste, the University of Ljubljana, the University of Primorska, the University of Udine, and the University of Klagenfurt. Its programme consists of lectures, presentations, language courses (Slovenian, Italian, German, Croatian, and Furlan), field trips, excursions and visits to museums, including the famous Kobarid Museum.

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Poletna šola Bovec +
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Poletna šola Bovec +
In 2008 the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana co-organised the Summer School Bovec for the first time. +
In 2008 the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana co-organised the Summer School Bovec for the first time. +