Depot:Baladoor Jazz Festival


Baladoor jazz festival
Nazorjev trg 3, SI-6000 Koper
Festival dates30.6.2016 - 2.7.2016

The festival is - as of 2016 - no more.

Archival article

The first edition of Baladoor Jazz Festival happened in the summer of 2002 and was held at the Manzioli Square in Izola. Since then, the festival has slowly gained recognition amongst the coastal public, to which it presents a colourful palette of mostly Slovene, Italian, and Balkan jazz musicians and collectives. Not limiting itself to either these regions or to jazz music only, it has also hosted various other strands of creative music.


The festival is organised by the KUD Baladoor (Arts and Culture Association Baladoor), which was founded in 2001 with the aim of bringing quality and non-commercial music to the Slovene coast. In autumn the same year they started with a number of concerts in the Izola Cultural Centre and have since then been very active in organising them at different venues in the cities along the coast.

The festival itself was held in Izola for only the first two years and was later, after a two year pause, relocated to the Taverna – an open, multi-purpose venue in Koper. In 2010, in search of a more appropriate place for musical contemplation, the festival once again moved and has now found its place at the square in front of Gravisi-Barbabianca Palace.


Lacking a strong financial support, the festival is not based on stars. Instead, a consistent focus on a strong Slovene line-up makes this festival play an important part in developing the Slovene jazz scene. Hosting the younger generation of jazz players as well as the veterans, Jure Pukl, Gašper Bertoncelj, Igor Bezget, Robert Jukič, Igor Lumpert, Vasko Atanasovski, Aleš Rendla, Zlatko Kaučič, and Primož Grašič are some of the local musicians who have presented their projects here. Of the numerous notable foreign musicians, we will mention just a representative few: Damir Imamović Trio (Bosnia), Tamara Obrovac Transhistria Ensemble (Croatia), Renato Borghetti Quartet (Brazil), Roy Roberts Blues Band (USA), Renato Chicco Encounters Quartet (Italy), etc.

External links

... more about "Baladoor Jazz Festival"
Baladoor jazz festival +
3 days, end of June +
25 (2011) 26 (2012) 26 (2013) 26 (2014) +
4.7.2015 - 7.7.2015, 30.6.2016 - 2.7.2016 +
20,160,702 +
20,160,630 +
201125 +, 201226 +, 201326 +, 201426 +, 201527 +, 201528 +  and 201626 +
annual +
Baladoor jazz festival +
SI-6000 Koper +
Nazorjev trg 3 +
The first edition of Baladoor Jazz Festival happened in the summer of 2002 and was held at the Manzioli Square in Izola. +
The first edition of Baladoor Jazz Festival happened in the summer of 2002 and was held at the Manzioli Square in Izola. +
Koper +
SI-6000 +
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