Kolosej De Luxe Kranj

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Kino center Kranj
Stritarjeva 1, SI-4000 Kranj
Phone386 (0) 4 202 1691
Managed byKolosej Cinemas

Following World War II there were two cinemas in Kranj – Kino Kranj (a private enterprise of Valentin Hvala) and Kino Stražišče (rented by Mirko Cegnar). Both halls were nationalised and managed after 1948 by Kinopodjetje Kranj, which also opened the Partizan, one of the most beautiful open air cinemas in Slovenia. Today's Kranj cinema hall was opened in 1961. It has 472 seats and was in its day the best equipped hall in Slovenia. Kranj Cinema Centre became part of the Kolosej Cinemas group in April 2006.

See also

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... more about "Kolosej De Luxe Kranj"
Kino center Kranj +
46.244 +
Kino center Kranj +
14.356 +
SI-4000 Kranj +
Stritarjeva 1 +
Following World War II there were two cinemas in Kranj – Kino Kranj (a private enterprise of Valentin Hvala) and Kino Stražišče (rented by Mirko Cegnar). +
Following World War II there were two cinemas in Kranj – Kino Kranj (a private enterprise of Valentin Hvala) and Kino Stražišče (rented by Mirko Cegnar). +
+386 / 4 202 1691 +
Kranj +
SI-4000 +
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