

Nominally put, Defonija is a concert cycle dealing with free and unbound music, around which gravitate signifiers like free and avant-jazz, improvisation, experimental music, avant-rock, noise, and other similar musical aesthetics. In 1999, Defonija started as a weekly series of DJ evenings, where interesting, peripheral, and challenging music was presented to an interested crowd. With time, these "defonic" evenings evolved into a regular, if sporadically set series of music events, which contextualised themselves into something beyond a mere concert cycle.


The elusive and often unpredictable musical selection by the concert series organiser and presenter Miha Zadnikar brought to the Slovene audiences a wide palette of outstanding, fresh, intriguing, and "in-between" music. As such, the Defonija cycle has much expanded the cultural scopes of its relatively small but dedicated audience; it also enriched the field of musical critique, demanding a development of journalistic language for the numerous abstract musical forms. Defonija also acts as an archive and has been recording and storing its concerts almost since its start, making them available to the performing artists and also setting up a historical fund. For its cultural impact, the series was awarded the Golden Bird Award award in 2010.

Last but not least, the concert definition is transcended by presenting not only sonic artists but also bringing those dealing with the visual and cinematic. Furthermore, the intimate setting of Klub Gromka (where Defonija has settled and from where it only occasionally ventures to other Metelkova venues) and the type of music hosted on its stage constantly defy a one-way presentation, allowing for a more interactive, lively, and spatialised musical communication.

Hosted artists

Presenting the currents of musical history in the making as well as artists of historical importance, a random selection of hosted acts by Defonija could include Charles Gayle, Joëlle Léandre, Marc Ribot, Trevor Watts, Ingrid Laubrock, The Ex, Otto Lechner, Peter Brötzmann, Gerry Hemingway, Assif Tsahar, Eugene Chadbourne, Ken Vandermark, Henry Grimes, and Jérôme Noetinger.

Regular guests that are sometimes almost seen as residents and thus separately enlisted are also a few excellent Swedish artists like Mats Gustafsson, Ingebrigt Håker Flaten, and Paal Nilssen-Love (who, in 2010, released a record containing excerpts of his two-evening long Defonija concert with Frode Gjerstad).

Of those local musicians one should mention Zlatko Kaučič, Bratko Bibič, Vinko Globokar, Tomaž Grom, Alzheimer3, Lolita, and Kraški solisti appeared on "defonic" evenings.

Considering a limited budget and a DIY approach, the aforementioned intimate concert setting and acoustics, a knowledgeable crowd, a well-connected organiser, and an artist-friendly policy amount a lot to the relatively "big" names that have thus been brought to the stage of Klub Gromka.


Besides occasionally collaborating with the City of Women Festival and complementing their programme, Defonija has since 2009 also integrated into the program scheme of Ljubljana Jazz Festival. By associating itself with some other protagonists of intriguing music, Defonija thus actively works and promotes the advancement of the scene.

See also

External links


... more about "Defonija"
Defonija +
Defonija +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Masarykova 24 +
Nominally put, Defonija is a concert cycle dealing with free and unbound music, around which gravitate signifiers like free and avant-jazz, improvisation, experimental music, avant-rock, noise, and other similar musical aesthetics. +
Nominally put, Defonija is a concert cycle dealing with free and unbound music, around which gravitate signifiers like free and avant-jazz, improvisation, experimental music, avant-rock, noise, and other similar musical aesthetics. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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