Kar Češ Brass Band
25 Apr 2015
A concert by Kar Češ Brass Band
2 May 2014
4 May 2014
Kar Češ Brass Band at the Jazzfest Gronau 2014
3 Oct 2013
A concert by the Kar Češ Brass Band
1 Oct 2013
A concert by the Kar Češ Brass Band at the Skopje Design Week
Gigs and festivals
The band is particular busy during the summer months, using playing at various parties and festivals across Slovenia and beyond including the Idrija Lace Festival, Zmaj 'ma mlade Festival, Magdalena International Festival of Creative Communication, Ana Desetnica International Street Theatre Festival, Jazz Cerkno Festival, Trnfest and Festival of Slovenian Jazz. Furthermore, they often just take their music to the streets.
Abroad, one could hear them at Busking Salzburg (AT), Ilmenau Jazz (DE), Gronau-Jazzfest (DE), Mikser House (RS), Skopje Design Week (MK), Festival Haizetara (ES), Femuka festival (ES), Jazz festival Saalfelden (AT), etc.