Kar Češ Brass Band

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Kar Češ Brass Band

Phone386 (0) 41 759 190
Past events

Kar Češ Brass Band is a flourishing brass band from Cerkno. The band plays since 1998 and has been performing all around Slovenia. The group looks for inspiration mostly in the street music of historic New Orleans, evergreen melodies of former Yugoslavia, and distilled products from home grown fruit.

From the outset its repertoire consisted of "whatever you want" (kar češ) genres of music, from folk pop music to traditional gypsy compositions, from cartoon music to adaptations of well-known rock hits. Gradually the kar češ concept evolved into more elaborated music with a modern brass groove.

Gigs and festivals

The band is particular busy during the summer months, using playing at various parties and festivals across Slovenia and beyond including the Idrija Lace Festival, Zmaj 'ma mlade Festival, Magdalena International Festival of Creative Communication, Ana Desetnica International Street Theatre Festival, Jazz Cerkno Festival, Trnfest and Festival of Slovenian Jazz. Furthermore, they often just take their music to the streets.

Abroad, one could hear them at Busking Salzburg (AT), Ilmenau Jazz (DE), Gronau-Jazzfest (DE), Mikser House (RS), Skopje Design Week (MK), Festival Haizetara (ES), Femuka festival (ES), Jazz festival Saalfelden (AT), etc.

See also

External links


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Kar Češ Brass Band +
Kar Češ Brass Band +
Kar Češ Brass Band is a flourishing brass band from Cerkno. +
Kar Češ Brass Band is a flourishing brass band from Cerkno. +
+386 / 41 759 190 +
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