International Meeting of Naïve Artists



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Mednarodni tabor likovnih samorastnikov
Kidričeva ulica 2, SI-8210 Trebnje
Phone386 (0) 7 348 2100, 386 (0) 7 348 2101

The International Meeting of Naïve Artists is one of the oldest international artistic workshops in Slovenia. It was established in 1968 and hosts amateur artists from all over the world. Based on a public call, up to 10 artists are selected each year by the council of experts. The meeting takes place for a week in the end of June in the Trebnje Gallery of Naïve Artists which holds an impressive collection of more than 1,000 artworks by self-made artists. So far more than 250 artists from 35 countries have participated at the meetings.

The 8 participants of the 43rd edition in 2010 were: Linden Dean (AU), Mladen Kefelja (HR), Darja Lovak (SI), Franco Mora (IT), Samo (SI), Darja Štefančič (SI), Anton Zupančič (SI), and Jan Žolnaj (RS).

See also

External links

Mednarodni tabor likovnih samorastnikov +
annually +
Mednarodni tabor likovnih samorastnikov +
SI-8210 Trebnje +
Kidričeva ulica 2 +
The International Meeting of Naïve Artists is one of the oldest international artistic workshops in Slovenia. +
The International Meeting of Naïve Artists is one of the oldest international artistic workshops in Slovenia. +
+386 / 7 348 2100, 386 / 7 348 2101 +
Trebnje +
SI-8210 +
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