Section for Music, Ministry of Culture


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Področje Glasbene umetnosti, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
Maistrova 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 369 5900

Part of the Sector for Arts of the Creativity Directorate at the Ministry of Culture , the Section for Music covers all genres of music creation including opera and ballet. The section supports various manifestations of music culture, including concert series, concert tours, festivals, music publishing and archiving (notations and recordings). It stimulates music composition and choreography, opera, ballet, musical and cabaret production, and also aims to enrich national radio and television programmes and promote Slovene music creation internationally. Support from the Section for Music is implemented via public tenders or direct calls to cultural organisations that conceive programmes and projects.

While national public institutions such as the Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, Slovene National Theatre Maribor (Opera and Ballet) and the Slovene Philharmonic respond to a direct open call with their annual programmes, the Ministry also publishes an open call for four-year programme and special projects support in respect of high-quality projects by selected non-governmental non-profit organisations, including the most outstanding producers, promoters, and music festival organisers. Grants are given also to one-year projects. Distinguished individuals can also get working stipends or support for their residencies abroad (including residencies at studios in New York, Berlin, London or Vienna), and support is also given for seminars, workshops and competitions. A further open tender is also organised for NGO vocational training initiatives. Evaluation of programmes and projects applications is made by an expert jury for musical arts.

See also

External links

Področje Glasbene umetnosti, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS +
Področje Glasbene umetnosti, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Maistrova 10 +
Part of the Sector for ArtsPart of the Sector for Arts of the Creativity Directorate at the Ministry of Culture , the Section for Music covers all genres of music creation including opera and creation including opera and ballet. +
Part of the Sector for Arts of the Creativity Directorate at the Ministry of Culture , the Section for Music covers all genres of music creation including opera and ballet. +
+386 / 1 369 5900 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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