National Liberation Movement Collection, Središče ob Dravi



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Zbirka narodnoosvobodilnega gibanja, Središče ob Dravi

The National Liberation Movement Collection was arranged in the former Središče ob Dravi Town Hall in 1986. It contains 220 objects illustrating the engagement of the people of Središče ob Dravi and its environs in the National Liberation War. Photographic and archive material is presented in two rooms and divided into the following themes: the Liberation Front and its members, courier stations, letters written by stolen children, and partisan literature. The exhibition also features a collection of the war medals of the pioneer fighter Branko Bokše from St Tomaž near Ormož.

See also

External links

Zbirka narodnoosvobodilnega gibanja, Središče ob Dravi +
Zbirka narodnoosvobodilnega gibanja, Središče ob Dravi +
SI-2277 Središče ob Dravi +
Trg talcev 4 +
The National Liberation Movement Collection was arranged in the former Središče ob Dravi Town Hall in 1986. +
The National Liberation Movement Collection was arranged in the former Središče ob Dravi Town Hall in 1986. +
Središče ob Dravi +
SI-2277 +