Slovenske Konjice Public Library



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Splošna knjižnica Slovenske Konjice
Phone386 (0) 3 758 0437

The Slovenske Konjice Public Library was officially established in 1962, though its roots go back to the time before World War II. It runs braches in Vitanje, Zreče, and Loče as well as the Centre for Cultural Events, an internal organisation which manages a regular cultural programme, and the Tourist Information Centre. The library constitutes the region's chief cultural, information, and multimedia centre, as it also organises a variety of activities. Children can attend story-telling hours and creative workshops, whereas adults are welcome to participate in literary evenings, exhibitions, lectures, educational courses, and literary tea parties.

See also

External links

Splošna knjižnica Slovenske Konjice +
46.34 +
Splošna knjižnica Slovenske Konjice +
15.425 +
SI-3210 Slovenske Konjice +
Mestni trg 4 +
The Slovenske Konjice Public Library was officially established in 1962, though its roots go back to the time before World War II. +
The Slovenske Konjice Public Library was officially established in 1962, though its roots go back to the time before World War II. +
+386 / 3 758 0437 +
Slovenske Konjice +
SI-3210 +
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